Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Good Work Patient People!

Hey Panafamily and Panafriends!

Thank you for being patient, it turns out trying to get internet is a very difficult process is Panama
Let me give you a rundown of the last several weeks of training!

Training is near Panama city in a very beautiful community.
The church/center of town!
My house in the training community is very luxurious, and my host family is great. My host mom is constantly making me food and making sure that her American son is taken care of! Everybody in the community is very friendly and all of us trainees live pretty close together.
My house!
After about 2 weeks in the country we had a volunteer visit. I went to way north in the province of veraguas. It was a good time and I met a lot of nice people.
Me and Some Kids, and a dog
Training itself can get pretty repetitive so there is not a whole lot of interesting things to tell about it. However, in my training site, my host family has a 1 year old niece and she is one of the cutest kids on the planet.
Gotcha Miley!
Today we just got back from our site visit; I wish I had pics but my camera broke so you'll have to settle for words right now. For the next two years I'm going to live in the province of Bocas Del Toro close to the city of Changuinola! It is so beautiful and I live at the end of the chiquita banana plantation. I live in the jungle, and it is very rustic; I have no electricity and my house in the site is kind of like Swiss Family Robinson. 

I'm excited for the next two years and I can't wait to tell you all about it!

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